The cost of sucking
The Blind Monkey (Premier)
An idle and useless person is often told that he is only fit to lead the blind monkeys.
This trophy is dedicated to reflect the history of the league - even the losers. The Blind Monkey is a traveling trophy that, once updated by the Commissioner, may reside with the recipient until the next one is crowned.
A Blind Monkey title is earned when a Gent manages to score the fewest points in the Blind Monkey (Consolation) Bracket in Weeks 15-17.
An idle and useless person is often told that he is only fit to lead the blind monkeys.
This trophy is dedicated to reflect the history of the league - even the losers. The Blind Monkey is a traveling trophy that, once updated by the Commissioner, may reside with the recipient until the next one is crowned.
A Blind Monkey title is earned when a Gent manages to score the fewest points in the Blind Monkey (Consolation) Bracket in Weeks 15-17.
- Cost of transport of the trophy to those living far away and back to League Headquarters is the responsibility of The Blind Monkey in possession of the trophy at the time.
- If the title-holding Gent is unwilling to back this expense the trophy will remain at League Headquarters.
The Portrait Punishment (Premier)
At the conclusion of the season and before the next Draft, the Super Bowler Champ is responsible for sitting for The Portrait.
At the conclusion of the season and before the next Draft, the Super Bowler Champ is responsible for sitting for The Portrait.
- The Portrait must be professionally taken 8 x 10 in. “mall store” portrait, an example in the Twin Cities that has been used for prior Punishments: Professor Bellows,
- "Gentlemen" themed - left to the interpretation of the Super Bowler Champ,
- Available for display at the next Draft Day for those who gather in person,
- The Blind Monkey is responsible for reimbursing the cost of The Portrait to the Champ up to $25. Frame provided by Commissioner. Cost over $25 are the responsibility of The Champ.
- The Champ and Blind Monkey may plan a “date” to do this together if possible.
- Portrait Punishment dates: Draft Day through Super Bowler Weekend.
- The Portrait will hang, framed, at the Blind Monkey’s primary residence in a place of prominence throughout the Portrait Punishment timespan so that he must answer the questions from guests to his home of “who is this strange fellow hanging upon your wall?”
- When a new Super Bowler Champ and Blind Monkey are determined the outgoing portrait will be delivered to League Headquarters at 160 Wildwood Ct, Mahtomedi where it will hang in infamy in the Hall of Champions. Postage provided by The Commissioner.
Frameworks Violations
At his discretion, the Commissioner reserves the right to remove any Franchise owner that displays un-Gentlemanly behavior of any kind.
Examples of behaviors that may warrant excommunication from The Leagues include (but are not limited to):
Compliance to these Frameworks is required at all times
At his discretion, the Commissioner reserves the right to remove any Franchise owner that displays un-Gentlemanly behavior of any kind.
Examples of behaviors that may warrant excommunication from The Leagues include (but are not limited to):
- Collusion of any kind, either provable to or inferred by the Commissioner,
- Harassing other Gents in a way that causes individual or league-wide concern,
- Not regularly engaging socially through primary League chat communication on Sleeper,
- Not paying via PayPal in a timely manner (before or by Commissioner deadlines)
- Playing illegal lineups (see Settings: Roster Management)
Compliance to these Frameworks is required at all times
- If removed from The Leagues by the Commissioner or if a Gentleman leaves The Leagues for any reason of his own accord he forfeits any money that is in play for that season and preceding seasons (Free Parking, logo work, etc)
- These Frameworks are a fluid document and will be updated from time to time as needed. When a more current version is available Gentlemen of The Leagues will be notified by the Commissioner via league chat on Sleeper.