Duck Soup Smackers
(Easy Money)
Owner: Matt Graves
Home Field: The Marsh Mascot: Greenbacks Team Colors: Blaze Orange and Realtree AP Camouflage Gents Leagues: Dynasty 💩, Jellybean About: Matt (mtgraves20) Profession: Hobbies/Interests: Fantasy Football, Sports, Hunting, Gambling Sports Played: Football, Tennis, Golf Top Ten Albums/Artists (that shaped your life): COMING SOON Favorite Gentlemanly Beer and/or Cocktail: Boulevard Wheat Years Active in Fantasy Football: 9 Favorite/Most Hated NFL Teams: Favorite: Ravens Hated: Patriots, Cowboys, Rest of AFC North Favorite/Most Hated NFL Player of All Time: Favorite: Ed Reed Hated: Phillip Rivers, Tom Brady, Baker Mayfield Favorite NFL Moment of All Time: Mile High Miracle, Joe Flacco to Jacoby Jones to send the Divisional Round game to OT. |