The Spoils of victory
The Super Bowler
This trophy is dedicated to reflect the history of the league. It is a traveling trophy that, once updated by the Commissioner, may reside with the Champ until the next one is crowned. Cost of transport of the trophy to those living far away and back to League Headquarters is the responsibility of The Super Bowler Champ in possession of the trophy at the time. If the title-holding Gent is unwilling to back this expense the trophy will remain at League Headquarters.
This trophy is dedicated to reflect the history of the league. It is a traveling trophy that, once updated by the Commissioner, may reside with the Champ until the next one is crowned. Cost of transport of the trophy to those living far away and back to League Headquarters is the responsibility of The Super Bowler Champ in possession of the trophy at the time. If the title-holding Gent is unwilling to back this expense the trophy will remain at League Headquarters.
Put That In Your Pipe and Smoke It
This is a commemorative keeper trophy awarded annually to the Gentleman winning The Super Bowler (new in 2019) in any of the Gents FF Leagues. The unique, one-of-a-kind, engraved pipe represents a Gentlemen's League Championship. Cost of Pipe and shipping is supported through the annual Commissioner's Discretionary Fund. All winners from any Gents FF League receives a Pipe. |
The Hall of Fame
The Gentlemen’s Hall of Fame is the epitome of Gentlemanliness in Fantasy Football. It is the Most Ordinary thing there is for a Gent. Season-long accolades are great but what a Gent truly strives for is the Lifetime Achievement, the Immortality, as one of the All-Time Legendary Gents.
The road to Immortality is a long and winding one, paved in the Ungentlemanly Tears of those imposters that came and failed before you:
Eligibility Minimum Requirements: only Premier League statistics count toward HOF Eligibility
Franchise Minimum Tenure: 160 games played or the equivalent of 10 NFL seasons.
Franchise Wins: 100 Lifetime
Hall of Fame Spoils:
The Gentlemen’s Hall of Fame is the epitome of Gentlemanliness in Fantasy Football. It is the Most Ordinary thing there is for a Gent. Season-long accolades are great but what a Gent truly strives for is the Lifetime Achievement, the Immortality, as one of the All-Time Legendary Gents.
The road to Immortality is a long and winding one, paved in the Ungentlemanly Tears of those imposters that came and failed before you:
Eligibility Minimum Requirements: only Premier League statistics count toward HOF Eligibility
Franchise Minimum Tenure: 160 games played or the equivalent of 10 NFL seasons.
- A Gent cannot take double credit for playing two different Gents FF Leagues in the same season. ONLY Premier League games played count toward HOF eligibility.
Franchise Wins: 100 Lifetime
Hall of Fame Spoils:
- Gents FF Immortality
- A custom HOF Blazer
- A custom HOF Bobblehead/Bust
- A custom HOF Ring
The Triple Crown
A Gentleman winning at least three league titles within a single season will have achieved the heralded Triple Crown of Gentlemanliness.
Currently, there are five competitive avenues to earn The Triple Crown:
Eligibility Minimum Requirements: only Premier League statistics count toward HOF Eligibility
Franchise Minimum Tenure: 160 games played or the equivalent of 10 NFL seasons.
Franchise Wins: 100 Lifetime
Hall of Fame Spoils:
A Gentleman winning at least three league titles within a single season will have achieved the heralded Triple Crown of Gentlemanliness.
Currently, there are five competitive avenues to earn The Triple Crown:
- The Premiership
- Dynasty of Gents, The Deuce and Gentleman Vampire. The Jellybean title does not count toward the Triple Crown but the 32-team All Gent Murderer's Row competition does to Hall of Fame is the epitome of Gentlemanliness in Fantasy Football. It is the Most Ordinary thing there is for a Gent. Season-long accolades are great but what a Gent truly strives for is the Lifetime Achievement, the Immortality, as one of the All-Time Legendary Gents.
Eligibility Minimum Requirements: only Premier League statistics count toward HOF Eligibility
Franchise Minimum Tenure: 160 games played or the equivalent of 10 NFL seasons.
- A Gent cannot take double credit for playing two different Gents FF Leagues in the same season. ONLY Premier League games played count toward HOF eligibility.
Franchise Wins: 100 Lifetime
Hall of Fame Spoils:
- Gents FF Immortality
- A custom HOF Blazer
- A custom HOF Bobblehead/Bust
- A custom HOF Ring

Free Parking (Gentlemen's Empire Pot)
Free Parking is a Monopoly reference, it is a jackpot won by the Gentleman who wins The Premier League's Super Bowler Championship in three different years. These titles do not have to be won in consecutive years.
It is important to note for Gents establishing a new franchise during a Free Parking period in which the Pot is accumulating and unclaimed, that the New Gent must build his own statistical history to compete for this pot. He assumes no previous/outgoing franchise history. Therefore, the risk for the New Gent is that, not having yet attained the mandatory minimum 3-year history to be eligible for Free Parking payouts, he may be paying into a pot he never becomes eligible for prior to it being claimed by a Gent with more tenure. A New Gent must accept this possibility - it as a condition of participation in Gents FF.
Free Parking is a Monopoly reference, it is a jackpot won by the Gentleman who wins The Premier League's Super Bowler Championship in three different years. These titles do not have to be won in consecutive years.
- Free Parking (through 2020): $640
- Free Parking will not be capped
- An eligible team must have three full seasons of Premier League participation to be considered for any of the following Free Parking Allocations:
- 70% of the existing Pot to the 3x Champ
- 10% to the team with the best winning percentage over any three seasons*
- 10% goes to the team with the most points scored over any three seasons*
- 10% to remain as a balance to support bonuses that may be incurred for a player breaking a single season record or exceeding 200 points scored in a given week
- Three-season totals to be chosen by the Gent from any of the seasons they fielded a team during the time Free Parking accumulated. When choosing seasons to apply for either of the 10% Allocations any combination of seasons may apply for either allocation,
- e.g. Free Parking ends after 9 seasons due to a 3x Champ. If Team A has fielded a team for all nine seasons he may now choose any combination of three seasons from his nine for consideration for the two 10% Allocations
- Should there be a tie for a 10% Allocation the tie-break will be to use the same three chosen seasons used to qualify for an Allocation and use the other 10% Allocation to break the tie,
- e.g. if Team A and Team B each have the same number of points and tie for "most points scored" then we would use those same three seasons to determine who had the best winning percentage as the tie-breaker.
- Bonus: A Premier Gent will be awarded $50 from the existing Free Parking pot if they own/roster an NFL player at the time the player breaks a regular season record for most passing/rushing/receiving yards
- Should this record be broken in Week 18 (Gentlemen’s Derby) the bonus will be rewarded thus:
- If the record breaking player is on a starting roster for a Gent participating in the Derby and that Gent is not the owner of the player as of Week 17, then the prize will be split between the Derby Gent (Week 18 owner) and the owner of the player as of Week 17
- Split will be $35/15 (Week 17 owner to receive more $)
- Should the owner in Week 18 be the same as Week 17 then the full $50 would go to that same Gent
- If the player breaks the record in Week 18 but the Derby Gent neglects to start the player then the Week 17 owner gets the full amount
- If the record breaking player is on a starting roster for a Gent participating in the Derby and that Gent is not the owner of the player as of Week 17, then the prize will be split between the Derby Gent (Week 18 owner) and the owner of the player as of Week 17
- Should this record be broken in Week 18 (Gentlemen’s Derby) the bonus will be rewarded thus:
- Bonus: a Premier Gent will be awarded a $25 from the existing Free Parking pot for a weekly score of 200 (or more) points
- The 3x Champ is also eligible for the 10% Allocations for winning % and points scored
- If/when an owner leaves the Leagues and if Free Parking has not yet been claimed, the outgoing owner forfeits what they've paid into Free Parking
- All 17 games played per season will count toward the Free Parking allocations and will be tracked separately on a spreadsheet stored in Google Docs:
- Gents FF Standings and Point Totals (2016- )
- This is the OFFICIAL statistical home of The Leagues.
- The Gentlemen’s Derby (Week 18) will not count toward Free Parking totals.
It is important to note for Gents establishing a new franchise during a Free Parking period in which the Pot is accumulating and unclaimed, that the New Gent must build his own statistical history to compete for this pot. He assumes no previous/outgoing franchise history. Therefore, the risk for the New Gent is that, not having yet attained the mandatory minimum 3-year history to be eligible for Free Parking payouts, he may be paying into a pot he never becomes eligible for prior to it being claimed by a Gent with more tenure. A New Gent must accept this possibility - it as a condition of participation in Gents FF.
Gentlemen's Derby
The Gentleman’s Derby is akin to the NFL Pro Bowl. It takes place in the unused Week 18 slot and is a 4-team, highest score winner-takes-all showdown.
The Gentleman’s Derby is akin to the NFL Pro Bowl. It takes place in the unused Week 18 slot and is a 4-team, highest score winner-takes-all showdown.
- Derby participants are the 4 Division Winners. Each will “draft” any player on any team within their division (including their own) creating a starting lineup to compete against the other Division Winners.
- Highest scoring Derby team wins $100
- In addition to the 9-man starting lineup a 10th player will be drafted but not used in the starting lineup.
- In the event of a total points tie the 10th Man with most points will break the tie.
Gents Murderers' Row (Gentlemen's Guillotine)
Gents in The Relegation Leagues (Premier and Jellybean) will draft and manage a team on Sleeper (separate from their auction-drafted team) to compete in this All-Relegation Gents Guillotine-style in-season contest.
Gents in The Relegation Leagues (Premier and Jellybean) will draft and manage a team on Sleeper (separate from their auction-drafted team) to compete in this All-Relegation Gents Guillotine-style in-season contest.
- Beginning in Week 1 of the NFL season, the 2 Gents (one Premier, one Jellybean) scoring the fewest points in their starting lineup will be Gunned Down (eliminated) from the contest.
- The Commissioner will force-drop all players from the Gunned Down Gents’ teams at this time sending all players from this eliminated team to waivers.
- This will render a score of “zero” for these Gents' teams moving forward
- In each subsequent week a Premier and Jellybean Gent will be eliminated in the same way until Week 14 when four Gents (two Premier, two Jellybean) will be left standing.
- These Final Four Gents will play the next two weeks (Weeks 15/16) compiling an aggregate H2H score to determine who wins the Murderers Row Contest.
- Click Header above to see full contest details doc
Division Champions' Draft
- The four Division-winning franchise owners will serve as Division Captains for the following year.
- Immediately following the Annual League Draft, Divisional Captains will have a linear (pick 1-4 then repeat 1-4...) draft to establish the team makeup of their Division for the upcoming year.
- The Division Winner with the best finishing regular season record the prior season chooses a fellow Gent (not already a Division Captain) to be in his division for the upcoming season. Runner Up chooses next and so on until all 16 teams have a Divisional home. Tie-break will be season-ending place finish.
- This Draft will take place prior to the League Draft and will be hosted by The Commissioner on the League's Sleeper Chat.
Season Points Champion
The franchise with the most points scored over the course of the entire season (Weeks 1-16) is crowned the Points Champion.
The franchise with the most points scored over the course of the entire season (Weeks 1-16) is crowned the Points Champion.
- Premier: $200
- Jellybean: $100
Weekly High Score
The highest scoring franchise each week throughout the entire season (Weeks 1-16) will receive $50 (Premier) and $25 (Jellybean). Tie scores will result in an even split of the money.
The highest scoring franchise each week throughout the entire season (Weeks 1-16) will receive $50 (Premier) and $25 (Jellybean). Tie scores will result in an even split of the money.